Me. Yeah. Frightening. I know.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Paranormal Experiences are not quite as uncommon as you may think…

This is another true set of events!

Several years ago, 2006, I believe it was, my girlfriend wanted to do an audition interview video, for America’s Biggest Loser. I hate reality tv. Fat shows in particular, since they do no earthly good for anyone and are simply about people’s vanity. Being thin does not change who you are inside. Anyone who claims otherwise, is selling you snake oil. All of that aside, it’s what she wanted to do. So, I ran the video camera for her interview. She did her little bio blurb, and began speaking of her mother and grandmother, who had both passed. She teared up a bit, but finished her piece and we were done. THEN, I played it back.

All was well on tape, until she began to speak of her mother and grandmother. At that point, two small, but very bright balls of light came streaking into the video frame and repeatedly circled around her head. They danced, they bobbed. They gamboled. And when she was done speaking of her deceased relatives, they pointedly shot out of the camera’s frame. Now, while I was recording this LIVE, I saw nothing. Only upon playback, did this strange anomaly become apparent.

Playing this back for her, she began to laugh. “It’s Mom and Gram.”


My sister has had many interesting experiences, all relating to my father. He has come to her on business and personal drives, during the day, never at night because she really tries to avoid driving at night since her night vision is not very good. The most notable time she remembered, was on 95 south, heading from the Allentown, Pa. area back to Jersey, when she smelled cheap, smelly cigar smoke and slowed down, knowing Pop was trying to get her attention. Sis decelerated from 75 to about 45 mph. Minutes later coming upon a crash that involved a big truck (not an 18 wheeler, but big enough). If she’d continued along at 75, she would have been caught right up in the middle of the accident.

She also recalls smelling cigar smoke one night, not long after Ketan (my nephew), started sleeping in a crib in his own room, as she sat in Pop's old rocker (it had been reupholstered) trying to rock my nephew to sleep.

To this day, she occasionally smells cigar smoke in the car. When it happens, she either slows down or tells her husband Harry to, if he's driving. He knows enough not to argue when he is told that. In the past year, since moving into her current home, from time to time smell the scent of B.O. will mysteriously appear - exactly how Pop used to smell when he would come in from mowing the lawn or working in the garden on a hot summer day. Usually his scent lingers around the sliding glass door that leads to the deck (he's probably disgusted by the condition of their back yard, my sister surmises), and has recently been encountered in the dining room (the least used room in the house). I guess Pop has decided the cigar smoke trick is no good anymore since there are small kids in the house, so he's going with an odor that won't harm them but will still get attention! Maybe he's just saying "Hello."


The only paranormal experience involving Family, that I have had, was a message from an uncle that I have never met. Not while he was alive anyway.
Many years ago now, my sister Evelyn, and myself attended a séance, psychic Jane Doherty hosted at the Spy House, in northern New Jersey. I remember her stating at the outset, that everyone would hear from SOMEone that night, but not necessarily who they wanted or expected to. My sister and I got a shocker. It was better than halfway through the evening I guess, and Jane had given messages to most of the room by that point. When she stopped and got a funny look on her face; "I smell........baking bread? And I see.....OLD, stone, hearth-type ovens......who is George? George has been gone a very long time. I usually don't get personal messages from someone gone this long!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin, looking across the room at my sister, whose eyes were as big as dish plates. I raised my hand. "I think that would be my sister and I. But we never met George. He passed away long before we were born!"

Jane looked directly at me and said," Your Uncle George knows where your mother is. The situation she is in. He WANTS you to tell her that he's THERE. He's with her. He's watching over her." I choked up. And I know my sister did too. Uncle George had passed away in the mid 1940s. He had been a baker, in the early part of the 20th century, in Lancaster PA, where my mother had grown up. During the Depression, he had basically fed the whole clan. As a baker, he was the only one still making money. My mother would scrub the floors in the bakery, run errands for him, basically do anything she could, to help him. She was his favorite. He would give her what spare change he had on him, and tell her NOT to give it to her mother, but to go and buy herself some candy.

My mother loved Uncle George very much. Aside from Grandmom, the rest of her family was NOT very nice to mom. But Uncle George loved her. I guess as much as Grandmom did. As all of this was running at high speed through my head, Jane got a funny look on her face, and said, "And what's this he keeps saying about a pet turtle?" THAT for me, was the real clincher. Uncle George gave my mother broken pretzel bits, that he could not sell in the bakery, to take home. Which she would feed to her pet turtle, in the backyard of their home.

I related the experiences of that night to my mother, a day later, when I visited her in the nursing home. Mom had been bedridden and an invalid for 6 years at that point. I told her what the psychic had said. She was, of course, skeptical. Still, I told her that Uncle George visited her from time to time, and he was watching over her. She teared up a bit. Then I mentioned the broken pretzel bits and the turtle. Her eyes got wide."How could she know THAT??" "She couldn't." I told her "Unless Uncle George really was talking to her." Mom was always a skeptic. But she listened more carefully after that, when I related experiences such as those to her. Eventually, before she passed away, she even had an couple experiences of her own. But that’s going to be a story for another day.

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