Me. Yeah. Frightening. I know.

Friday, September 3, 2010

My buddy's Paranormal Experience....

 This one is again, true. :)

A very good friend of mine, whom I have known for almost 25 years now, is not a HUGE believer in the Paranormal. He enjoys watching the usual shows, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, etc., but does not really contemplate the occurrence of the Paranormal in his own, daily life. Until recently.
Joe lives in his family homestead, with his wife, sons and his father. He grew up there with a brother and three sisters. Their mother was EXTREMELY Christian in her beliefs, which did NOT include spirits. Kinda like MY Mom, on that account. J
After living away from home for so many years, lousy circumstances forced him to have to move his family back to his ancestral home. Joe is unemployed. His father works several jobs. His wife works. His boys are at school. So, when he IS home during the day, he is alone. Or, he’s supposed to be.
Recently, he mentioned he often feels like he is NOT alone in the house, when he KNOWS there’s no one else there. I told him to get a small recorder and do an EVP session. If there WAS anyone hanging around, they’d probably speak to him. Well, he had no recorder, so he used his IPhone. As much as I detest those frikkin things, it actually worked. Go Figure.
He sent me a short clip, which he thought had something on it. But he wasn’t sure, as he did not have the gear at the time, to move it to a PC and “Pump up the Volume” so to speak. J Fortunately, I DO. I raised the volume on the clip, and cleared some of the hiss and grain away. One has to be careful not to go TOO far with such things, because one can LOSE the actual EVP you’re trying to hear.
The clip is 30 seconds. In it, a whispery voice can be heard. It seems to me to be male. What I hear is…


There is some miscellaneous knocking and banging, which I put down to him holding the phone in his hand and maybe moving it as the recording is taking place.
When I presented him with the cleaned-up version, I asked him if any of his relatives had called him Jo-Jo. His response; his recently passed grandfather had indeed called him that as a child. So, I told him that whomever it was, appeared to be concerned with his health for some reason, and perhaps a doctor’s visit might be in order.
Joe is now taking college courses to try and make himself more marketable to find a job. So he’s not home alone as much as he was before. WHICH, even though the entity is probably family, is JUST fine by him. J

here is the actual wave file. What do YOU hear?

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