Me. Yeah. Frightening. I know.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Eastern State Penitentiary - 2005

This one, is true. 

              Several years ago, my at the time girl-friend and I decided to do a daytime tour of Eastern State Penitentiary, in Philadelphia, PA. This was JUST after Ghost Hunters did their 1st tour of the place. It was in July, I think. The middle of the week, in the middle of the day. Naturally, the place was empty; except for the tour guides, who really were NOT interested in leading a measly 2 people around the place, in such stifling heat. So we opted for the self guided tour.
                It was hotter than the hammer of whoo-haa that day, and the shade provided INSIDE the cell blocks was to be relished, even though the atmosphere was obvious depressing, even to someone with MY lack of “Sensitivity”. We inspected all the areas that were open to public view, taking our time, because of the oppressive heat.
                The place was literally falling apart. It really does need SOME restoration. Well, except for Capone’s cell. That one you could still live in… But the rest of the place needed serious help. It was quite easy to understand WHY, in the early days, so many incarcerated there, lost their minds. The cells are VERY small. And not being able to speak, or communicate with other people for months or even YEARS at a time, would make just about anyone go bonkers.
                The place is laid out like a wagon wheel, with central command at the center of the place, and the cell blocks radiating out like the spokes, off the center. We had investigated the who place, ending up in the Death Row area. We were quite alone. No one even in the center area of the prison (the only area with electric and therefore Air Conditioning, was the gift shop, where all the guides were hanging out). As we went to exit at the far end of the cell block, my girl-friend exited first, with me a step behind. As I was just about to pass through the open door, from behind me, there came a human voice. A drawn out moan, sounding to me, much like frustration. I stopped and Turned back, looking around intently. This was LOUD. I heard it, and I am slightly deaf ( the fault of the guitarist in my first band, whose motto was “If yer ears ain’t bleedin, it ain’t rock and roll”), I turn BACK to the GF, who is still out and moving. She says, without even slowing down;
                “Ignore him. Yeah, I heard it. If he had something to say, he should have done it while we were inside. I don’t play those games.”
                I shrugged, and said over my shoulder “Sorry Dude.” and continued on out the end door. As we moved along the side of the building, back towards the entrance, loud rapping and knocking followed us along the building wall that we were nearest.
                This is the MOST intense paranormal experience that I have ever personally encountered. It has always been my intention to go back and do a night time investigation there. Hopefully, I will get the chance to do so, before too much longer.

Eastern State Penitentiary

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